Rocket Reading

This week me and my reading group have been learning about problem and  solution here’s an example.Rats are pests because they eat all the native bird’s egg’s  that’s the problem now I’m going to tell you the solution.Use traps that keep other creatures safe.

My Amazing Games

Today I learnt how to embed a doc onto my blog first I had to go on to file the go down to share then you do publish to web then we copied the embed code in to our blog then we clicked add Media and paste into the embed code and then it will go in your blog then go into text then click visual and it will come up with your doc.

Embedding Google Slides

Before I embed my slide I need to change the share setting to ”Anyone with the link’ .

To get the embed code I click on file, then share, then publish to web.

The click  on embed choose  the size and playing settings, and copy the code.

On my post I then click on Add Media,Insert Embed Code, paste the code, and click on insert.

The  slide  I embedded here is a test slide to practice.

lunapic collage

Today I created a lunapic collage it was fun to chose all the different styles for the picture. I found it hard to do the lunapic because it was difficult next time I might do a motocross bike.

Running in to reading

We have been learning about under the sea Reading.

We learned this so that we can learn about the Animals that live in the sea.

This shows my Work on my orca whale.

I enjoyed it and I thought it was fun.
I found it challenging to find the answers in the Article.
My next step is to complete more work in the time I have.
If I did this activity again I would read the information for longer because I didn’t get all the answers I needed.
If my answers are detailed enough. Have I given enough information?


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